Purple Thai

Purple Thai

Purple Thai comes from straight from Thailand and is one of the oldest native
breeds in the cannabis landrace varieties. At its point of origin, Purple Thai can
grow up to 16 feet with long and thin leaves. The long flowers have hairs hanging
over the edges of the bud in long, wispy tendrils. There are 2 distinct phenotypes
in this cannabis variety with one being a bright and vibrant purple on both the
flowers and leaves while the other phenotype boasts dark green leaves with
white colored trichomes.
It is well suited for use in the morning. It is great for dealing with numerous
ailments such as stress, depression, and loss of appetite.
Purple Thai is a powerful variety with strong sativa effects that take a few
minutes to feed but when you do, you know. The high is a powerful psychedelic
rush of happiness and is one of the few that is known for its introspective
properties. Because of this, it’s a great variety for meditation, yoga or any activity
that requires a creative mind.
The dark buds of Purple Thai have an amazing exotic, fruity, berry flavor and
taste. The average THC content was measured at 24% so not for the faint of
heart or those looking for a lighter high.
Purple Thai has a flowering period of 11-13 weeks and can be harvested at the
end of October / beginning of November when grown outdoors. The flowering
phase should be initiated after 3-4 weeks of vigorous vegetative growth. Purple
Thai performs well in SCROG and SOG. Growing in a screen of green system
offers enough space for the plants to spread out to their full potential. This variety
can be grown in either hydro or soil. if you leave Purple Thai in lower
temperatures toward the end of the grow cycle the colors often begin to turn
much more violet in shade, sometimes even blue.
Mature plants grow indoors up to 4-5 feet, are full of heavy buds with a dark
purple color and orange hairs. Growers can expect a higher yield per square foot
than most varieties if grown indoors. Outdoor growing will produce much higher
yields depending on the specific conditions such as temperature and soil type.

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